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Copy Attributes


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Hi Dennis,


I am not sure that that would work very well.  For example, imagine you have 5 different project windows open, each with some objects selected.  You then get another project window, and click on an object with the Copy Attributes Tool.  Would you really want these attributes to be applied to all the selected objects in all files?   And what if you were copying the Layer Attributes (or Materials, etc) that did not exist in the other project(s)?  


In the long run it would probably be easier to just copy an object instead if you want to apply attributes from another project.

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+1 to reimplement Get-Set Attributes tool.  


I'm assuming this would be to pick an object and then all properties (layer, material, line weight, etc...) of future objects drawn would be set to these settings.  If so that is highly desired.

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