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Procedural weathering for large structures?


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Hi everyone-


I realize there are a few subforums here for rendering (and I have both Maxwell and Thea) but wanted to ask here because of the nature of the question, especially because I don't know if either has a solution...


Basically, I'm hoping to find some method of realistically weathering large-scale materials, for now specifically concrete and other building materials.


The idea is that I'd like to "apply" weathering to large structures without having repeats in the texture.




Any thoughts?




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I would approach it in two ways if you are using Maxwell to render.  First is to download or create some very large grunge maps.  There are a lot available if you search.   Then use Maxwells ability to layer dirt maps and corrosion by assigning different levels to each layer.  Once you have something fairly convincing I would leave the rest of the dirt for post processing in Photoshop, again using large grunge brushes.  I have brush sets that range from wet footprints and water damage to tire tracks and drips.  In Photoshop to make them convincing I often use a drop shadow effect for depth.  Lots of tutorials online on how to do dirt.

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Hi, and a belated thanks...


Out of curiosity - is there a tutorial for getting 3DCoat-painted objects into 3DC then back out ot FZ for rendering with Thea?


I was going to recommend 3dCoat... but I see you already found a good solution there with Leaks PBR. Cheers! 3d Coat is a great companion for FZ.


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