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Strange Wall Justification Changes

Justin Montoya

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So...  am I the only one who is having issues where when you draw a wall shape, it seems to change it's justification based on where you click and/or end?  For example, it will preview it as justified Right when you are drawing the wall, then when you finalize the wall command, it builds it the opposite justification.  Usually this is happening when using a closed rectangle tool or when using an arc to create a curved wall.  


It's been happening a while, and I just thought someone else might have mentioned it as a bug before?  

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The Justification is relative to the direction and concavity of the shape.  As Evan notes, if you have finished the shape, you can still adjust it while it is in the (orange) result buffer if necessary...

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I understand that it is simple enough to switch it again later, but when we are 'sketching' quickly in 3d, it is very annoying to have to go back and change it.  


Can you please get this fixed so the wall stays justified as shown when starting to draw the wall?

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You can change the justification on the fly as you are drawing as well. I agree it is annoying, as I've never figured out the logic to which side it draws the wall. Find myself constantly guessing. It would be nice if there was a keyboard toggle for changing justification on the fly. Would this be possible?

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This kind of thing is handled in Revit with the press of the spacebar either while drawing or after the fact. It's a huge time saver. It also works when placing doors (or after) for changing the direction of the door swing, so components like those have 4 possible states that can be cycled through with more presses on the spacebar.



You can change the justification on the fly as you are drawing as well. I agree it is annoying, as I've never figured out the logic to which side it draws the wall. Find myself constantly guessing. It would be nice if there was a keyboard toggle for changing justification on the fly. Would this be possible?


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I think there is a bug with the wall justification.  It changes justification on its own in the middle of drawing a wall.  Sometimes when closing it, but not always.  What's up with that?  I feel like it's been happening since v7 and onwards.


Example:  If we set it to RIGHT and make a half a dozen points for the wall, WE NEED it to ALWAYS STAY RIGHT as we complete the wall.  I'm not sure if it's due to switching between a V-Line and 3-pt Arc, but something needs to be done here please.

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