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Cylinder performance


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I typically have slow performance navigating my model when I have a cylinder drawn (mostly due to my crap graphics card).  However, I believe there was a way to dull down the setting for cylinders to alleviate this problem...I just can't remember how to do it.  


This was answered for me on the old forum, but I can't locate it anymore.  


Thanks in advance

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Hi Paul,


You mean a large cylinder as a background object?  If so, pick it, click Attributes from the Pick Options, turn off Casts Shadows.


And if the slow down is in RenderZone, change the Basic Attributes to RenderZone, and check Rendering Backdrop.


Does that help?  If not, what in particular is slow, and can you post / send a file that shows this?

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Slowdown is in modeling.  For some reason it always seems to bog my machine down when I have a cylinder drawn.  For example, a simple cylindrical support column or a simple cylinder for a downspout on a house.  


I will try turning off Casts Shadow.


Been pretty hectic, but if I have time and can locate a particular problem child I will send you the file.


Could just be that damn Intel 4000 graphics card.  I can't wait to be able to upgrade...

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Yes Rob, we suppose that snapping (perhaps to the face or other) could make drawing slow in certain cases, and turning off the snapping for the cylinder would help that.


If you are still having any trouble Paul, please send or post a file so we can help further. 

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