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Capping a nurbs object


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Hi All,


I'm currently evaluating FormZ to use as a concept modeller and have been following the online video tutorials and have managed to create part of a vac form mold. I've managed to create a basic Nurbs model but for the life of me i cannot figure out how to cap the top and bottom (see images) could somebody shed some light on the process? Am i approaching this in the correct way?


Thanks in advance



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Welcome to the forum!  


To get what you want, (and the missing face is flat) use the Pick tool with the Segment Sequence option to pick the segment loop at the end.  Get the Derive Segment tool and click in the screen.   Copy the result, then Undo, Paste, and Stitch the result to the NURBS shape to fill in the missing face.


You may also be able to use the Object Doctor to Fix the Missing face.  (Set the Max # segments to something like 44, choose the Fix option, and click on the object.)


If the end should be curved or domed, you can also use the Cap Tool to generate the desired surface.


Do any of those do what you want?


Please let us know if you have any further questions, we would be glad to help.   ;)


(And if it is something specific to these object(s), copy them to a new project, save it, zip it, and use the More Reply Options button on the lower right to upload it along with your post.)

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Here is the file.


Another issue while creating this shape.


Create top and bottom airfoil shapes and join. (the result is a surface)

now, to create a cap with tangency I need to use the uncover tool to create an uncovered wire.

When I extrude this uncovered wire, I should get a surface with open ends, instead I get a solid with closed ends.





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Hi Joe,


Yes, the tight curveof the back of the wing causes a bit of a pinch in the cap at that location.  You may need to make the shape a slightly different way -- perhaps with a NURBS by UV curves.


Does that work better for you?

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Hi Joe,


When your "path" shapes all come together at a single point, this would create "source shapes" with no length -- which is not allowed.  If you separate these end points just slightly, then you should be able to generate the complete shape:




Does that help?

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