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Object Doctor question


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Hello Tech.

Here is a question: Does it make any sense to run Object Doctor to select problematic parts and run it second pass only to fix these parts and not to analyze all the other geometry? Or it is the same as to Select All and run it? What would be a better idea?



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Hi Anton,


Running the Object Doctor with the Fix option will only show Results that have been fixed -- and not all issues with the geometry.


In general -- especially when importing data from other programs, and especially x10 when importing files from SketchUp, we would recommend running the Dr with the Add to Selection option to see all problems that exist.  (Note that Non Developable faces, colinear segments, and coplanar faces are fine -- but most other issues are better if they don't exist.)


Once you see what / where the issues are, zoom in so you can seen them,. and run the Dr again with the Fix option.  (Fixing Missing Faces for SketchUp data can sometimes have unwanted results, so we often uncheck Fixing that option except when it is specifically desired for a certain object(s).)  Inspect the areas to make sure that all the fixes have resulted in better visual results than before Fixing.


Once fixed  and visually inspected, run the Dr once more to see what issues still exist.   At this point you can then decide whether you should proceed working with the data you have, whether parts should be remodeled, or whether you should "discard that entourage" and download a different file instead.


Does that help?

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Hi Anton,


As noted above, Non Developable Faces are not a problem.  You can Google the terms to see what they mean if you like:




There is no need to fix them unless you want to Unfold the shape -- in which case you could Convert to Facetted and Triangulate. 

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