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DWG export layer attributes


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I am trying to export my formz file to .dwg with the layers and it correspondant colors i have chosen in the formz layer attributes...but the .dwg file comes out with a single color for all layer. HoW can I make it?


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Hi John,


Objects are exported with their Object Color, not their Layer Color.  If you right click on a Layer, you can choose Select All Objects On Layer -- and then choose the desired Material from the Attributes Tab of the Pick Options.  You do need to repeat once for each layer (or for each set of layers that use the same material), but then it will export as you want.

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In my experience, something has changed with version 8 in relation to the export to DWG, and it's not well. In FZ7 and previously the colors are correctly translated, but not any more.


I do this al the time, exporting my 3d architectural projects from Z to ACAD to draw my 2d plans, and the easy way is to save a copy to v.7 first, open it and export in DWG from it with facetted objects as ACIS.


In addition, FZ8 doesn't export groups correctly, which is really a serious problem for me, since usually I arrange all my designs by objects and groups, besides layers.


This force me to a long and tedious work when I need to transfer in 3d with correct colors, or approximate, to a program as Sketchup, for example. To do this I need to export each of my groups as separate files, and import them one by one. Fortunately, the Picked Objects Only option helps a lot.


I hope this will be corrected soon, by now I cross my fingers and I’m keeping a copy of FZ7 in my Mac.




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Hi John,


Whoops, it appears that Marcelo is correct that colors are not being exported properly via DWG.  Thanks for your report, we will get this corrected.


If you can't back save and export from v7 to work around this for now, please email support@formz.com and include your serial number so we can help.



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