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Is there a way to group and move a light/object or light/camera combo?


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Can objects be paired with lights?  Like a flashlight model moved with the light source locked to the flashlight?

Can a light (or light group) be tied to a camera, so when the camera is moved the lights move too? Like sitting in a moving car, with the lights on.

Unrelated, but short of copying the location and and target info into a camera, can we see the view angle of a light?  To get an idea of what is covered in shadow, for example.

Thanks, Yon

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Hello again friend, 

Currently we cannot group or componentize an object with a light.   I've got a ticket in for this from a while back, so hoping it makes it in a future build.   This is something that is relatively easy in other applications, so I think it should definitely be in FormZ as well.

There is however, a workaround that may or may not work for you depending on the application.  Using VRay > Export Scene.  You can create a .vrscene proxy for an object with lights.  You need to be careful to ONLY enable the light you want in the proxy and not the sun or dome lights, as they will also get added to your project wherever you add the vrscene proxy.   As an example using this, you could create a ceiling light object and add whatever light sources you want coming out of it, IES, mesh, cone, plane, etc in a blank FormZ project.  Then export it as a .vrscene file.  Then import the .vrscene file proxy into your main project.  The only real hitch is that now you need to edit that standalone file and re export the .vrscene if you want to make changes to the object or lights.


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Justin, back on the scene.  

I'll play around with your suggestion with VRay, and see what it does. That is twice I have missed the 'scene' in a week. 

Thanks, Yon


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