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Transparency in front of reflective surface issue


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So this has driving a bit crazy because I work like this quite often.

Is I place a transparency map in front of a non-reflective surface it's fine, but as soon as I make that rear surface reflective the transparent parts of the front material changes whats behind it

the transparency map is definitely solid black because you can't see it when the rear material isn't transparent.

Anyone have a work around for this ?

Screen Shot 2020-03-19 at 5.01.27 PM.png

Screen Shot 2020-03-19 at 5.02.09 PM.png

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That should work. 

I'm curious of your V-Ray settings then.

I suspect you may have come across a transparency map bug.  Are you using the Use GPU option? If so, Try turning that off and see if it has a different result.  I have had them stop working for me when the Use GPU option is turned on.

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That's sounding familiar, Dome light or GI settings..  Wait where did the rest of your message go?

Try this, go into the V-ray raytrace settings and boost the min number of recursive rays to 6 or 8 or more.  The default is 5 I believe and that isn't high enough for many reflections in scenes.  

Does that help?

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9 hours ago, Justin Montoya said:

That's sounding familiar, Dome light or GI settings..  Wait where did the rest of your message go?


haha, I thought I solved it by turning off the dome light.... then I realized I still had the reflection turned down on the material. Once I realized I deleted my post.

I'll try the recursive rays idea.  Thanks.

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