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Edit texture map

Alan Cooper

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Make sure Grid snap  is off (if your distance may be too large), also you can put on snap to center of face and see if this

Thanks Dennis, but that wasn't my problem in this case, as it turned out that the particular object I had a problem with first needed, [in Tool Options - Edit Texture Map], to be Edited on Face first in the YZ direction before the XY. So problem solved  :D

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I see. These only appear with cubic mapping.

After some experimentation I see cubic holds when the Map Texture tool is selection is Cubic... for me the coordinates automatically changed on picking the face.

If cubic mapping is selected and map texture was flat or best match per face or object and I click on right side of cube mapping type automatically changes from cubic to flat, clicking on front or top face reverts to cubic (is this way program works) see screen captures?

Maybe techs can clarify what is suppose to happen of relation of how Edit Text option is suppose to behave?

I do not see it in manual a chart may help. 




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Hi Alan,


You just need to check the Edit in 3d option to move the controller in 3 dimensions.  (Otherwise you are just adjusting it in its same plane -- or unless you change the settings for the plane as you did when you selected YZ).


Hi Dennis,


When objects are created, they automatically receive texture mapping that is most appropriate for each face.  Therefore, if you create a cylinder, the vertical face will receive cylindrical mapping, whereas the top and bottom faces will receive flat mapping.  Cubes automatically receive Cubic Mapping, but Extruded Rectangles receive Flat mapping for each face (because that is the best match per face).


Does that help?

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