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Lamp Shade

Andrew West

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I am in need of a quick tutorial on how to create a glowing lamp shade.  In all the videos I have seen they start with 2 Sided Material as a base.  However, I can not find that option anywhere in the Vray editor or in the materials library.  Anyone have a solution that they have found that works well?

Here is one tutorial


Thanks for your help

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I will answer my own question here.  After many hours of searching for a  solution that mimics all the tutorials out there I have gotten word from Tech that this feature does not exist in the current release of Vray for Form.z.  They plan on including it in the upcoming V9 release now that they have become aware of it.  So if you need a glowing lamp shade or a back light object with semi opacity you are out of luck for now.  Photoshop to the rescue again! 


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I created the image below by using the emissive option of the Vray material. Applied a texture map from photoshop and a glow factor of 2. Maybe you can use a more convincing photoshoped glowing fabric, and maybe that will do?


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I really hope that the next release has the 2 sided material option that all other Vray users have access to.  For those who are not familiar with it this allows you to have an outer material and an inner material that are different on the same plane.  So the inside of a lamp shade can be an emissive material and the outside can be a fabric.  Another example is a leaf with sunlight shining through it.  Some day.


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I have not tried SSS in V-ray yet, but I suspect it will slow down the rendering quite a bit. V-ray does come with SSS materials, but unless you're going to see the inside and outside of the lamp shade in detail, I don't see why one would need to use this.

Again, if it's a glowing material, like glowing fabric you're after, my post above will give you that.

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Why make it so complicated, just switch on translucency; here in Modo i often use a lighter version of the diffuse map for translucency color (higher gamma setting for example), don't know if that is possible in VRay for FormZ. Btw, the fabric isn't glowing, its the light inside the lamp that glows and that shines through the lamp shade material. 

No need for SSS shaders, they are useless for one sided polygons, and you're right, they cost render time.

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I agree. Unless you're zoomed in, and you see the light bulb and the shade inside, I don't see the need to have the shade be translucent. You can fake the effect of the light going through it in V-ray for formZ. 

Even in Maxwell, where is very easy to make the SSS material, have the light inside, and have the light go through the shade, I still fake it. Why? Because the difference in making it as it would be in reality vs. the result of faking are so similar that is not worth the render time.

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