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Hi all -


Just wondering if there are some "tried & true" ways of creating shapes that are eroded/worn?


I'd like this to be actual geometry rather than something done strictly through shading/bump mapping.


This would be mostly for edges, but would like to create pitted/broken surfaces, too.




Any thoughts?




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The only way that I have been able to accurately build geometric erosion is through displacement maps.  I start with either a good dirt map that can easily be found on the internet or I convert some sort of texture map into a black and white image and then paint areas out in photoshop for the smooth portions planes.  This method is a standard for most modeling programs out there.  You will need to mesh the geometry pretty tight depending on what you are trying to achieve.  Once it is meshed and displaced you can use it or portions of it to add to other geometry.  I personally have several displaced planes and cubes that I use over and over in my models. 

In my dream program (some day) I would have a displacement channel in my material palette and I would also be able to paint textures and bumps directly onto areas of a model.  Z Brush comes to mind with this functionality.  Vue is another program that builds terrains in just this manner.  Again, some day.............


For what its worth I find that Photoshop is the quicker option for erosion.  If you search for Photoshop dirt and erosion brushes on the internet you will find a lot.  I have brushes for everything including water stains, drips, footprints, snow, dirt, lens flares, fire and fountains. 


Attached is a file containing PS brushes to form cracks on your surfaces.


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