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My favourite... Escaping hidden line...


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I know I've been complaining about this for ages, but I finally had a chance to check this out a bit more today using the same model saved for the different versions of formZ I have on hand. Loaded a fairly complex model in formZ 8.5, then 8.0, then 7.3.4, and finally 6.7.3....


Hit the Hidden Line render...


In Version 6.7.3 hitting Escape key instantly ends the Hidden Line and returns me to a wireframe.


In all other versions, it is impossible to escape, either with Escape, Shift-Escape, or Shift-Command-Period. It's not just a matter that it is slow to respond to the keystroke, it just will not respond even with repeated or continuous input from those keys. The only thing I can do is wait until the render finishes, or Force Quit the application.


Really would love to see this fixed before 8.5 officially releases.


Mac Pro 5,1 2X Six Core, Yosemite


Sorry to keep harping on this, but this and the controller for objects not staying with the object is something I bump up against constantly.


Thanks again,




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