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Select by Material

Shibui Design

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I'm working in a model that has hundreds of similar looking materials and was hoping to make a selection set by material. Problem is that the material swatches that appear in the tiny window are really small and for the life of me cannot find a way to list materials by name. Nor am I able to place a check box on the material by scrolling thru the long list of similar looking materials. There must be an easier way to select all objects by material. Any clues? Is it possible to improve this selection method? Thanks in advance!

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Yes, right clicking on any object will allow you to select all with same material.  We will see if we can adjust the Select By Criteria so you can change the material preview icon for when you have many similar materials...

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One option that would make it easier would if the material preview icon were much larger. It's way too small. Perhaps better than selecting the material preview icon (image) would be to have the option to display material names in the same manner that you can display them in the material palette. Thanks for your consideration!


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