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FormZ 8.02 - Opening empty sheet


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i installed FormZ 8.02 a few days ago and everything worked fine. Today when i open FormZ there is only a empty sheet, there are no palettes in the window. In preferences everything is OK, the paths of the Template File and the preference file are there. Any ideas what this could occure?







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Hi Walter,



Try to solve this would be to reset formZ to factory defaults.  You can do this by Quitting formZ and renaming the autodessys folder.  (Just add an X to the end of the name of the folder.)
On Windows, this is located in C:\users\[uSER]\AppData\Roaming\
(Note that [uSER] is the  name with which you log onto your computer, and if you don't see the App Data folder, you can show this by going to the Windows Explorer: Tools Menu: Folder Options: View Tab -- and choosing Show Hidden Files, and clicking OK.)
On a Mac, this is located in HOME: Library: Preferences.
(Note that HOME refers to Hard Drive: Users: your login name, and if you don't see a Library folder in this location, you can access it by going to the Finder: Go Menu, holding down the Option key -- and it will appear below HOME.)
Don't forget to quit formZ first, and when you relaunch formZ it will automatically recreate a new autodessys folder with default settings.  Then if you decide you no longer need the old autodessysX folder, you can delete that at any time.


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Hi Walter,


Andrea's instructions will help you completely reset your preferences, which can be helpful but may not always be necessary.  The first thing we would check would be that formZ is actually the foreground application. (If you click in the Project Window, does that bring back the Palettes?)  The next thing would be whether or not you selected Hide Palettes (from the Palette Menu).


Do these, or Andrea's suggestions help?

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Hi Andrea and FormZ Staff,


i tried your suggestions. Now i think i know where the problem is. I still have version 6.7.3 installed - when doing a new autodessys folder Formz 8.02 works, but now the seetings of 6.73 has gone.

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Hi Walter,


Quit all copies of formZ, Open the autodessys folder you renamed, and move the formZ 6.5 folder into the new autodessys folder that was created.  This will restore all your 6.7 preferences...

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