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is 'Tech' busy at the moment?


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I've noticed 'Tech' hasn't been as quick to respond the last couple of days. Their response is usually very very quick and accurate and I'm sure this is just a blip ;-)


I'm sure they are working on new goodies for us - for imminent release?


Speculation please!


My vote is for new super fast rendering engine!

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Hi BlueMonkey,


Sorry we have not been as fast to respond as you might expect.  Yes, we are quite busy.  Also, some questions require answers for other divisions of the company, and other questions involve some research to give an informed answer.  And most of our answers  and support (99%) is done via Email -- and not just the forum...


As for future goodies, we can not "speculate" but we will make announcements when appropriate.

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It's a shame more people don't use the forum, as it would save Tech some time answering all those emails. I am sure some questions would be repeats or close to repeats of other questions from other people. Maybe a little reminder in the signature when answering emails to encourage forum use may be beneficial, and we could all learn a bit more from others' experiences.

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