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EVERY Tool And Input And Checkbox Should Be Searchable In the Manual?

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Hello -

A LOT of tools, inputs etc. in FZ10 are simply *missing* from the current manual...for example, if you search for "object coordinate system," NONE of the results include the Object Coordinate System checkbox. Even if the results say "description of tool TK," that would *still* be an improvement on how it is now, which is (in my experience anyway) that getting a meaningful result from a keyword search in the manual is pretty iffy.


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Hi Jim_G,
I think if the manual was also available as a pdf download, then ADOBE-READER could find such items with the advanced search tool..!
I thought you could print the manual out as a complete pdf document, but I could only manage this in small sections. I noted this before somewhere, but can't recall why this wasn't possible 🤔

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I think if the manual was also available as a pdf download, then ADOBE-READER could find such items with the advanced search tool...

I'm almost certain that wouldn't work...I did a long (30 min) keyword search and got *nothing.*  "Object coordinate system" was just the most recent example, but there are a LOT of tools and inputs in FZ10 that are either missing from the manual or hidden so well as to be inaccessible.

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Add to the list of tools that have different names in the manual than they do in the UI: Insert Segment.

Let me add that I find it INCREDIBLY irritating that the tools in the manual *don't* include any reference to the palette they appear in.  So if I want to find something, first I have to search by a description of its functionality, then (assuming I find it) open every palette in the UI to find the tool--which may not have the same name as it does in the manual. Argh.

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Posted (edited)

You can try typing some letters from your query into the assistant. After you select the tool you want, it appears in the tool dock.

Screenshot 2024-05-29 at 12.19.28 PM.png

Screenshot 2024-05-29 at 12.27.51 PM.png

Screenshot 2024-05-29 at 12.27.05 PM.png

Edited by Ivo
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Posted (edited)

Thanks, that was VERY useful! I suppose my first impulse was to ask "why isn't this in the training videos?" and I suppose it might've been*--but I feel that something as important as this should've been emphasized a LOT more in the videos. I honestly had NO idea the Assistant even existed until I read your comment.

That said: it *shouldn't* be this way. Simply adding a single line of text (for example) to the manual entry for "Intersection" that says "Location: Modify --> Intersect" would remove some of the need for users to rely on the Assistant in the first place.

*I've tried to watch all of the new videos as they're posted...but so much of what's in them is just "basic beginner 3D" that I find it hard to engage as intently as I'd like to.

Edited by Jim_G
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Hi Ivo,
Thanks for reminding us of the new "Assistant" tool with its deep search abilities, it certainly is a helpful tool, shame its not available in the free version to help potential new users. However, it's another reason I guess to get onboard with the paid for versions, something on my to-do list the more I see these informative YOUTUBE videos by Evan Troxel. I'm hopeful that the new Fundamental tutorials will at some point cover Form.Z LAYOUT tool, as thats key for my work, equally how PowerCADD fits into the scheme of things with Form.Z users.   

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Does right clicking on a tool and  choosing view video still try to load a Flash video, like it does in version 9?

Trying to dismiss this alway sends you to download Flash from Adobe, which of course does not work and gives you a few more pop up wondows to dismiss as well as your browser to close.



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3 hours ago, bbuxton said:

Does right clicking on a tool and  choosing view video still try to load a Flash video, like it does in version 9?

Good question! Right-clicking on a tool *does* indeed bring up a menu with a "view video" option...if one selects that option, a "Tutorial Videos" window opens with options for lo-rez and hi-rez videos and...no actual video. The window is otherwise empty.

Question for the FZ dev team: Are the videos supposed to be there? I'm not seeing anything.

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