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Installing maxwell 4 properly


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I finally managed to upgrade to v4 during black friday specials. I have now a floating license of studio and FMZ. I use a pc ( with a GTX 1080) and a mac laptop and I intend to use maxwell on both. I also have a couple of cpu's at the office I can send network rendering to.


As I saw few reports of issues after installing maxwell 4 - I was wondering if there is any advice about installing the software for the first time ( I currently have v3 installed).


Thank you.


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I recommend moving your existing \Plugins\Maxwell folder to another location for safe keeping, and then installing the Maxwell for formZ Early Build: http://forums.formz.com/index.php?/topic/4465-new-maxwell-for-formz-early-build-40011/


Here are detailed instructions for setting up the license server: http://support.nextlimit.com/display/maxwell4/Installation+and+Licensing


I would run the installer first on the computer that will be your license server.

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