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[Q] FormZ 8 on White MacBook (Intel GMA 950)


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I'm trying to run FormZ Free v8 on a white MacBook (Core2Duo 2.0GHz with Intel GMA 950).


It installs and runs but I get no display.


I guess this is the limitation of the video-on-the-motherboard Intel chipset. Is there any way around this? Am I out of luck?




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Hi Tom,


Welcome to the forum!


Unfortunately that video chip does not support OpenGL 3.2 properly on OS X, and since you can't upgrade the video card on a laptop, you would need to use formZ Free on a different computer that has a video card that does.


Please let us know if you have any further questions, we would be glad to help.

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Hi ZWeb,


Thank you for the welcome. Shame my 500+ posts from the old forum were not remembered :-)


When FormZ Free appeared I got excited that this would be a fun way to let my two kids—each has a white MacBook—get acquiainted with 3D modelling and 3DPrinting as well as build an understanding for what their dad does with this FormZ Pro. I guess Santa will need to get them both an upgraded machine at some point :-)

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If they are kids and only using for educational use, they could sign up for the Student Edition.  They get the choice of formZ 7 or 8 (so they can be compatible with their school -- or hardware), and v7 should run (somewhat slowly) on that computer.


If you need help finding the link, just shoot us an email...

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