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C-Radius not working -again

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Well, I haven’t tried this for a while, as it never worked properly for me on any except the earliest versions of FormZ, unfortunate, since I am/was (now 86 going on 87 and doing this as a ‘hobby’) an industrial patternmaker by trade, needing draft and radii and fillets everywhere…

Now I can’t get the Craig’s to work at all - when I choose the tool and click in an edge I want to radius, the tool options don’t even appear and I am told it is impossible! I created a simple cube and even with that it didn’t work, I can only radius everything with the other tool or nothing. What IS going on? And now, when I close a drawing and don’t save, when I reopen, all the parts show up on the right in the list, but the parts do not show up anywhere at any magnification or mode. The file is as of that point a useless waste of time and effort and everything is lost that I have been working on. Good job I don’t need this for work anymore…

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I've had the same issue of parts show up on the right in the list, but the parts do not show up anywhere on screen, check hither and yon was not affecting it also, some times can be retrieved from the backup file but normally requires a rebuild, went back to v9.

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Justin, that to me is not the idea of a c-round. I can get that to work on all edges, too. I want to just radius ONE edge, for example. When making a pattern, it is impossible to round all edges with the same values, since many edges intersect at different areas and angles. One has to be able to select which edge to 'round' individually. For that, a dialogue should appear in the tool parameters to allow the entry of the parameters required. Sometimes on one edge, you might need a different radius at each end, producing a 'conical' edge rounding or fillet.

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Hi Giro. I AM using 9..., looks like I will have to go back to 8.6... Unfortunately many of these issues never get addressed at the programming level and remain as bugs, I feel. The rounding issue, I have had since version 3.4! It has never consistently functioned properly in any of the versions I have ever had. 


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Hi MP,

I did not use the basic Rounding tool to round all of the edges.  I used the Controlled round tool, and rounded a lot of edges.  Perhaps too many for your easy observation of the tool in use.  Let's try this one with 2 different Sets of rounds:  


The Controlled Round Tool Options pops up in the Tool Options palette in the sidebar when you select the object for rounding.  I pulled the palette out here for reference.


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I have not seen any issues with the c-round tool in v10 on Windows. I often round solid objects with different radii on different edges, never have run into a problem with the c-round tool. In fact, I find it very stable.

Maybe you haven't noticed that in order to select different edges to round, you need to hover over that edge to apply the rounding you want. Also, notice Justin's screen capture above showing different "sets" for different radii options.

One last observation: We are indeed talking about rounding solid 3D objects, right? Not rounding 2D shapes?

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