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De-noising on Renderfarm


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I was just wondering if anyone has tested Maxwell 4.1 on a renderfarm with de-noising turned on?

Rebus say they are compatible with 4.1 now, but I'd rather hear from real users here of their experiences.






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Just thought I'd post an update on the denoiser in a renderfarm.

File uploaded and started rendering until it came to the end when my render points started to disappear beyond the maximum set until I had none left.

I had to contact Rebus directly to stop the job without losing my render points which they were happy to do.

So, don't send to a renderfarm until they have it sorted.


Otherwise, the denoiser on my machine works like a dream. It does indeed speed things up massively.



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I was just finding if any1 get aware about Maxwell 4.1 on a renderfarm with de-noising turned on?

Well actually I am not aware about it and never tried this before but you just raised the question so I would like to check it and let you know the result from it.

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