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Known issues with .SAT export/import?


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I've been having issues exporting and importing .SAT files, specifically Binary .SAT files. Whenever I export to Binary .SAT and then try to import the file back to FZ8 to verify it, there are no progress bars and I get an empty model. However, the exported files do have the expected size, i.e. 2mb or whatever.


I can't tell if the issue is in the exporting or importing of the files, because all of the binary .SAT files I create with FZ8 import as empty models, but I did hear from a third party that a binary .SAT I sent them did not work.


I ran some tests exporting a sphere in Binary and ASCII .SAT, versions 19.0 - 24.0. All of the binary files imported as an empty model, while all of the ASCII files imported correctly.


Are there any known issues with .SAT in FZ8? If so, a list of the issues and potential workarounds would be appreciated.



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Hi Peani,


Yes, the Binary .SAT format can have issues on some computers.    Please use the ASCII flavor of the SAT format for best results.


Thanks for your report, we will get this corrected.

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Hi Peani,


After further review of this issues, we are actually writing and reading SAT Binary files properly -- except that it is expected that a Binary file will have a .SAB extension (instead of SAT).  If you make sure to give the file a SAB extension when you export a Binary SAT file, or if you rename it after it has been exported (or before importing back into formZ if it was created elsewhere), then it should work properly.


We will see if we can automatically recognize such binary SAT files, and also automatically override a SAT extension with SAB if / when they are exported.  Thanks again for bringing this to our attention.

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