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(Off Topic) Mac Users PowerTool

¢hris £und

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Hey all Mac users,

I have just recently come across a new tool that seriously helps with control and functionality of the Mac.  Big, Big, Big!

Think of it like Apples Shortcuts but on steroids.

KeyboardMaestro, It has been out for a while now, but I have not come across it until just the other day.



Warning, it is it's own rabbit hole.



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Some of the more buried shortcuts... I believe it can.  Though, it could only do it as if it were pretending to be the user.  i.e. traveling through the UI as you would.  While it would be faster to do so than you doing it each time.  It would of course be clumsier that what we recall in the past and what we wish for.

That is, until ADS puts in the hooks for doing so through python.  Then of course, you could just use python.

The one I miss the most is show normals.


How I am using it the most is I am building out the Finder to act more as a Digital Asset Manager.  To sort and categorize the images on my computer.  i.e. surface maps, inspiration images etc...

Also, I changed the Print Label on the UPS page from an 8 step process to a 2 step process.


They have a Demo and as far as I can tell, it does everything that the full app can do.





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