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There are no light sources


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I installed Maxwell Render demo 3.0.1 and plug-in for formz 8.0.1 (OSX 10.9.5)


Maxwell start up as supposed to (i figure) but when trying to Fire in FormZ I only get two different failures;


Any old projekt, that rendered fine with RenderZone fails with 'There are no light sources in the scene (emitters, sky, IBL). The render will be black.'.

And this independent of how many lights there already defined.


OK, I then add some light sources or make a new 3D, I get no warning The rendering in the plug-in window reports rendering and a final rending to Maxwell to, but a very black window is all I get.


What am I doing wrong?

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Hi Runtime,


RenderZone and Maxwell are separate plugins, and do not know anything about each other. Therefore, Maxwell does not know about Renderzone "Area" or "Environment" lights. Likewise, Renderzone does not know about Maxwell's "Physical Sky" or "Softbox" lights.


However, Maxwell is aware of two of formZ's default light types, and can directly support two of those: Point and Spot. These types will be automatically translated. You will most likely need to change their Maxwell intensities to values appropriate for your scene. See: http://support.nextlimit.com/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=16810289


Regarding your second issue, see Problem: Rendered scene is extremely dark (or black) here.

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