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Vray renders textures inverted


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Please take a look at the attached formZ file. Some of the textures render inverted in Vray, even though there's nothing special about them. I tried saving the textures as tiff and png, but got the same result. 

Please let me know what's happening.



I appreciate your help.


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I am stumped on this one.  I got your double pedal to work by renaming it and doing a save as in PS.  However, it is the single pedal that is causing a lot of issues.  Changing it in PS doesn't help.  Everything seems to be set up properly.   One thing to note is that once you set up your material in Shaded and translate it to Vray it is almost impossible to change some of the V-ray settings.  For instance, I eliminated the transparency map in RZ but V-ray just wouldn't let go of it.  So I had to create a new material to get rid of it.  Still didn't solve the problem though.  I hate to say it but throwing out your preference folder might help.  Sometimes Vray holds onto things and never lets go.   Really wish FMZ would solve all their texture mapping and material issues some day.  

Perhaps if Tech checks in some time they might have a solution.

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It is Monday so it was time to throw out my preference folder again.  Once I did that your model rendered perfectly in V-ray.   Once again this seems to be the go to fix for all problems V-ray related.  Cheers


Beware transparency maps in V-ray.  They seem to corrupt materials very easily.  I rendered your model out with no Trans maps and it worked fine

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Thank you Andrew!

Yes, using the materials without transparencies did the trick! I really wish they'd correct this though. Many times on a deadline, one forgets all of these hoops to jump through to get the software to behave as expected.

Thank you all for your input.


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