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Pub design and rendering


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  • 3 weeks later...

Very nice Anton! As usual very nice design and renders. You seem to be forging ahead using Thea with FormZ - would love to see you do some getting started tutorial or lighting set up advice thread.


On a purely interior/design point - the big white wall on the left is screaming out for something on it. Is there something graphic you could use to build on the brand. A 80cm x 200cm mural that expands on the logo/name? or a series of small framed pictures 20cm x 20cm that run in a horizontal line? something either horizontal or vertical that helps give the room a bit more scale/shape.

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Hi bluemonkey. Thank's you for evaluation and the good advice.

As for the tutorial: did you ever had a chance to use Maxwell Rendering? Mostly all renderers are based on the same principles. If you did — there is no problem to get used with Thea for FormZ. What you should check first — preset materials. Open them in Mat Lab and see examine how are they constructed. I downloaded a huge library of preset from torrent. Lighting seem to be pretty much similar to real life. So, if you ever did any photography, you will feel like at home.

However if you have any specific questions I will be glad to help.




PS here is my Skype just in case: ahtoh___ GMT+3 (Moscow, Russia)

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