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Any chance to texture this properly with FormZ?


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I have some irregular surface of second order (on image).





 As I try to apply plain texture to this surface it gets distorted. When I try to use this manual and reconstruct smooth surface in order to get even pattern on it nothing good happens. It is not explained how to "Use Reconstruct Nurbs tool to create a uniform distribution of nurbs control points on surface." and I assume it is not possible in this case. 

 Due to my task I need to get this surface meshed as I need to get that displaces by renderer. When I convert it to meshed surface it pattern tiling gets proper except for in some part of surface it is rotated 90 degrees to the other parts. 

 Is it correct that FormZ can only texture first order surfaces in proper way? Any more complex texturing leads to texture distortion?


 Another question: is there a way to rotate texture when editing in Parametric or UV Coordinates modes?


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