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Reshape Tool (user configurable fixed distance presets)


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There used to be a dialog for "Height" which was super useful for derive repeated distances. I used a key sct for this dialog (and I made a key sct for the dynamic setting too but I'm away from my computer so I will see what that was called at a later time and repost). This would be great to have back and to have it apply to Extrude, Extend, and Reshape Tools.

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Numeric inputs seem useful for modeling repetitive iterations, but implying complex objects....


I have to wonder though, if modeling complex objects feels more effectively handled by including some uses of old fashioned polygonal methods, (including extruding faces). in the sense of not developing too complex an object via Reshape tools alone. I'm leaning towards sectioning the plain, booled objects, separately, then booling just prior to using the Subd tool, for example. This is the beauty of mixing smooth and plain object types, IMO.


I have noticed that complex reshaped objects can sometimes, bear differences from the same thing constructed with old methods. When queried via Tool Options-Pick/ Info...  I'm not complaining at all, as i think these tools are all fabulous already. 

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I think it's a worthy addition for the reshape tool since that's truly an extrusion and not moving an existing face (even though that's what it looks like since it's a live boolean to the user). I use this a lot with the Extend tool but it doesn't work in many circumstances where reshape does.

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