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Volumetric scatter possible


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I am trying to make a convincing hedge. I am using Maxwell scatter to distribute individual leafs on an square shape (the hedge). Each leaf mxs file is a flat rectangle. I got two problems...


1. All leafs stick to the square shapes' surface and are either oriented flat on it or pointing 90 degrees outwards. Object modifyer rotate variation seems to have no effect on this. This means the hedge looks transparent when seen from the sides.


2. Again, leafs stick to the surface. Is there a way to make them fill up the square shape? Volumetric scatter.


I have tried to scatter the leafs to several planes close to each other instead. That solves problem 1, but it still looks bad then the hedge is seen from the end or top.




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Hi Imagix, 


Have you tried the Volume Scatter in formZ 8.5?  Here is a quick representation of what it can do.

FZ volume scatter would work, but isn't practical in a large scenario, since the project file would become too enormous.

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Hi Imagix,


To fix the rotation issue, I adjusted the Rotate X and Rotate Z parameters to 90 degrees. Not sure why this is required in this case- I suspect some obscure axis translation issue (Maxwell uses a different axis system than formZ).


I then scale - multicopied the box inward to achieve the result below.






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