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Licence problem

Andre Conlledo

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Hi Andre,


If you did a Software Update, no updates to formZ should be necessary.  If you upgraded to a new version of Windows, then you should reinstall formZ from the original installers and register it again.  As long as the MAC Address on the computer has not changed, it should allow you to register again automatically, but if your Network Card's Hardware ID has changed, then you would need to contact sales@formz.com to have us reset your records and allow you to register on your new computer.


It is also possible that the "Too Many Computers" message could occur if your Firewall is partially blocking the registration process.  If you are unable to adjust your firewall to allow formZ to register directly, hold down the ALT key, click Register, and follow the additional steps so we can help further.  ;)

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Hi Andre,


Glad to help!


We just applied the latest Windows Updates for both Windows 8 and Windows 10 and formZ is still running fine.  Perhaps something else happened to your system?


Are you still showing that you have a current video driver (from this summer) installed?

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