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Reshape multiple surfaces improvement

Alan Cooper

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When reshaping the surface of one object, there is of course no requirement (although it would have been a welcome option) to snap to somewhere specific to specify start position of a reshape because it is from the position of the surface's original location.

When reshaping several surfaces (by holding down the shift key in Windows and selecting several surfaces) upon releasing the shift key, the green circle with a white + sign changes to a green circle with a white triangle or arrow to indicate the user to specify a start position for the reshape. This is where snaps should activate to enable the user to accurately specify the start position instead of highly inaccurate mouse position.

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Hi Alan,


Reshaping always reshapes exactly from the surface of the face to another snap point, and it should be completely accurate.  Are you suggesting that you do not want the face to reshape to the snap position, but instead use some relative distance between two other snap locations to determine the distance?  Or are you seeing a case where the "destination snap" does not determine the exact distance the first face is to be reshaped?

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Hi Tec,


I have just tested this and you are right. What is misleading is the visual feedback until the snap-to point is made, depending upon where-abouts the click is made when the green circle changes to the triangle,preceding the final snap-to position, at which time, the visual feedback of the movement of the faces stops and the new positions of the faces take their new correct position. If we could snap to a point on one of the faces, visual feedback could be more in keeping with where the destination of the faces will arrive at.

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It does produce what I expect, however the visual feedback while the reshape is being performed led me to pause and think hey this doesn't look right [reshape looks like it will be too long or short etc], but if I ignore that and click on the destination the reshape is performed correctly.

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