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Alpha Channel not saving properly with Network rendering


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For some reason, Network Maxwell renders won't render with an embedded alpha channel. 

In FormZ, Under the Maxwell settings, I make sure that Alpha channel is checked and that is set to embed the channel when saving the image file. I make sure that the type of file that is being saved is a .TIFF file. Usually, If I'm just rendering on my local Mac, the image renders with the alpha channel embedded just fine. But when I render on the network using the Maxwell Network Monitor, it doesn't. I just get a flat image, with a black background, and no alpha channel. If I open the .mxi in Maxwell and try to save it as new image file, I get some weird miss matched ghosted image. (see screen grab). Any thoughts on why this happens and how I can get the alpha channel to render and be embedded in a rendering that is rendered on the network?




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Nevermind. I figured out what was happening. The network rendering settings weren't matching the settings in FormZ. I assumed that they would transfer over to the Network render setup wizard. Most settings do show up in the wizard, But for whatever reason, the alpha channel defaults to a PNG file and not a TIFF file like I setup in FormZ. I changed it to a TIFF in the network render wizard and the alpha channel is embedded in the rendering. I don't understand why some settings would transfer over and others won't.

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