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Extend tool and Pick tool with Groups question


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Somehow it seems "extend" to a face - when the target is part of a group - is lost.

(i.e. using the extend tool w/ "to face" option does not work then)

The "wireframe select Bug" seems to apply for groups (no click empty possible) - resulting in moving groups accidentally....


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R2D2 I think it is expected that extend to face of a group would not be possible, since you cannot select a face of an object while it is part of a group, unless unlock groups is active, and I find using version 7 extend to face in an unlocked group does work. Sorry, no comment about the second aspect to your post.

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Hm but all other snapping to faces of a group work - draw on face, face center snap... 

I use extend all the time - having to ungroup a group everytime (and then regroup...?) for that extend operation would be a downer...

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Hi R2D2,


Basic logic for the Extend to faces in groups may be correct as Alan notes, and while Extending faces themselves in groups to other faces will not be allowed (unless Groups are Unlocked), Extending TO faces in groups should be allowed.  We will see if we can make that adjustment.  For now, if you choose Unlock Groups from the Edit Menu, does that help?


Thanks for your report regarding Groups picking in Wireframe when the cursor is away from an edge, we will get this corrected.

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In relation with this topic, could you consider also add Groups in topological levels, as in FZ 6 and before?


As I mention before, commonly I use groups to organize my projects, but I work always with groups unlocked to do it with fluency. The possibilty to pick by groups would be a logical complement for this mode of work.






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