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where is the "Perpendicular switch tool"


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It's in the tool options pallete. If for example you are using the move tool, you will have a choice to move parallel or perpendicular to the reference plane. Hitting the command key toggles between the two..



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i guess that's what it is. 


i got confused by the instructions here 




it shows an icon for that tool implying that it exists as a button somewhere in the interface. plus it say "Turn off the Perpendicular switch." for using the rotate tool, but the command key to switch perpendicular on or off is not available for rotation which led me to hope that it was by some other means.

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Hi Mec_os,


Yes, that tutorial is for an older version of formZ and while most of the concepts apply, some of the interface has been updated...


Please let us know if you have any further questions, we would be glad to help. :)

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