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reshape used as delete tool?

Bo Atkinson

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At 29:50 in the youtube  entitled "Whats new in formZ 8 Jr" the reshape tool seems to be used to delete part of a beam structure, (by operating on the cage in contrast, i suppose, to automation of the Pro version).  Is this so?  The manual does not summarize every possible formz action which deletes something . (Which is sensible, until a rare question like this arises).  

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Dear Bo,


Yes, if you Reshape OUT from a surface, this will automatically execute a Boolean Union with the "extruded surface."  If you Reshape Inwards, this will execute a Boolean Difference, subtracting the result from the original object.

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indeed it's one of the most useful aspects of the reshape tool. in conjunction with the offset tool you can add and delete a big amount of details in a breeze! it's the biggest timesaver which was introduced since version 6, imo.

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